Friday, July 24, 2009

My Thoughts on Harry Potter

I took a trip with Scott and his family to go to St George and on the way we listened to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (#2)

I had read the first book a couple of times and didn’t like it. We weren’t able to finish the book but I wanted to know what happened and Scott wouldn’t tell him, he said, “read the book.” Well I did and I didn’t think that I would pick up any of the other books, but I did.

I never thought I would read all 7 books but I did. And here are my thoughts on such:

First, they were really, really excellent books. Well thought out, well written and very addicting. Each was based on the previous books and all were summed up in the last book.

Its hard to believe that an 11 yr old boy can do magic (or anyone for that matter) but at that age to defeat Voldemort was kinda pushing it on my part. Oh well.

I really liked the second and third books. I found the problems (even tho farfetched) were attainable by Harry and his friends and you got your ‘happy ending’ in each book.

Harry is known and the ‘Boy-who-lived’ and then the ‘Chosen One’. Both were titled he had to accept (as well has the reader). He was known by these titles and in return they connect him with Lord Voldemort. The most evil and Dangerous wizard ever!

This is where you lose me. IF he is that ‘powerful’ he should have been able to finish him off right? Harry is still in school learning, and Voledmort, though broken in pieces thanks to a Horcrux, should have been able to do the death curse upon Harry and it could have ended in book three.

However this did not happen. The author made Voldemort week, and Harry strong. But Harry had many obstacles. First, being raised by his aunt and uncle. His parents died trying to save him. Harry never did receive the love he needed. In the third book we are introduced to Sirius Black, Harry’s godfather. Harry is given a small pleasure by being able to live with Sirius. But, of course, that too is taken away from him in the next chapter. Why did Harry have to suffer so much? To make him who he was? I think he would have done better, had some things not happened.

Dumbledore is given a much bigger role in the 5th book, only because he avoids Harry to try to separate him. I have very negative thoughts toward Dumbledore. Considering all Harry had been through, I think more knowledge would have helped him, and Dumbledore thought the opposite. Harry is only 15 in this book and almost done with school, no he isn’t ready to take on Voldemort just yet, but is able to understand the behavior of others around him.

As the books came to a close I almost didn’t finish reading them. It’s hard when you have been with these characters for such a long time to say ‘good-bye’. Death had to happen by why to so many friends? No everyone couldn’t have survived, that would be to ‘perfect’. Dumbledore’s death brought out a side of Harry that was full of resolve and determination. I’m sad we didn’t get more of an ending to the books. The battle is over and Harry leaves to go talk to Hermione and Ron and the end? Wait, what? I had so many questions left over that got no attention. Harry has a conversation with Dumbledore when he ‘dies’ and that is weird to comprehend (prob religion playing a part). Harry can just go back? What how? It seems like it had to happen that way and the author thought that through from book one, but it is still hard to imagine and think of it ending that way.

In the end Voldemort is finished. Harry is with Ginny. Ron and Hermione are together and the world can still attend Hogwarts and learn the secrets of the magic world and live in the ‘muggle-world’. Does it have a ‘happy-ending’? No. Does it have a conclusion? Yes.

Some characters I loved:

- Luna Lovegood. I loved her simple, ‘out-there’ mind. She was brave and out spoken, not afraid to wear a lion hat, or go barefoot. She was with Harry when he battled the Ministry of Magic. She had an interesting father who taught her to accept the weird. She could see festrals and Nargals and believed in much more. (sp?)

- Fred and George Weesley. The twins were hilarious and brought some spunk to the books. They loved being the mischief boys. They never did stop trying or inventing, no matter how much their mother asked them. They were even able to open their joke shop and it was brilliant! They are also with Harry during some of his adventures and as the older brother to Ron, they made sure he got plenty of teasing.

- Hermione. She was too smart for her own britches and coming from 2 dentists isn’t easy for a young wizard. She definitely had the brains and also the ‘hots’ for RON! Although they aren’t shown until later, she was always a friend to Harry and Ron, and always a mother figure as well. Reminding the boys constantly of homework and the rules Hermione became a prefect at Hogwarts.

Some characters I did NOT like:

- Professor Umbridge. She hurt Harry’s hand! She was the worst person. Hogwarts was such a great place (even with Snape) and she ruined all the fun! She was just plain horrible.

- Professor Snape. Although he is ‘good’ he was still very mean to Harry. I realize that James (Harry’s dad) wasn’t nice to him but still. Harry missed out a lot and got in trouble more with Snape than any other teacher! Snape has greasy hair and evil eyes! He should have helped Harry out more instead of killing Dumbledore!!!

Harry Potter is something that will live on in my generation. It has been a huge success and has a lot of attention. After the movies are over it will definitely die down but the books will still be picked up. Just like other books, Harry Potter is something you can pick up anytime and escape from the world. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. I think that if I were to try and read them again I may change my mind (for better or worse I’m not sure) I believe there were some things I missed and another read through would be greatly needed!

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